Homeopathic Foundations course

We are now offering our 5 week Homeopathic Foundations course!
Classes typically meet once a week plus one workshop day.

Course syllabus:

Week 1:  We will cover the basic laws of homeopathy, potentization, homeopathic testing, etc

Week 2:  Dive deeper into the law of similars, posology, and learn how to use a therapeutic index

Week 3:  Learn how to take a good case – what questions to ask, how to take good notes.  We will also learn about the Banerjis and how to utilize the Banerji protocols.

Week 4:  Explore the materia medica and repertory, with practice cases to walk through.

Week 4 workshop:  Grow those materia medica and repertory skills by going over more practice cases with us to guide you!  Optional but highly encouraged.

Week 5:  For our final class, we will discuss case management – how to proceed when there is improvement and when there is no improvement.  We will also touch briefly on chronic cases, the difference between chronic and acutes and how to apply what you have learned.

Groups are formed as there is interest or you can ask us to teach for your group.